Our Team
At American Christian Tours we are a family. Many of our team members have worked together for 10 years or more. We laugh together, cry together, and work hard together. We know it takes all of us working together to provide the excellent programs our loyal partners expect. It is an honor and a blessing to introduce you to different members of our team – our ACTS family.
We are currently highlighting Leah Kurzynski.
Leah Kurzynski
Education Program Consultant
How long have you worked at ACTS?
September 2019 marked my 15th Anniversary at ACTS.
What you like/enjoy about your job and/or working for ACTS?
I love getting to work with so many wonderful organizers from all over the U.S. I learn so much from all of them and enjoy having the opportunity to serve alongside them as they plan life-changing learning opportunities for their participants.
What do you do in your position?
As an Education Program Consultant, I help organizers plan their programs by gathering information from them regarding what they want to see and do and what best fits their educational and financial goals. Then, we work together throughout the entire planning process, to make sure that they have all the information they need to plan and execute a successful program. From beginning to end, it is truly rewarding to hear all about their travels and all of the wonderful ways that lives were impacted throughout the process!
In your free time, what do you like to do?
We have 3 adult children who have very busy lives, so I love any time that we get to spend together as a family. I work with the leadership group of high school students at our church and love having the opportunity to disciple them and encourage them in their faith lives. When and if I get a few quiet moments, I love to take walks with our dogs, relax with a good cup of coffee or bake (my true therapy)!