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The Historic Triangle

The Historic Triangle

The Historic Triangle of Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown comes alive as you explore the past.  Learn the role of faith in the establishment of Jamestown over 400 years ago, in the yearnings for Independence in Williamsburg, and in the final major battle of the Revolutionary War in Yorktown.

  • Program Highlights

    Most American Christian Tours Education Programs to the Historic Triangle include:

    • Evening Colonial Tavern Dinner
    • Evening "Lanthorn" Tour or Special Evening Program at Colonial Willamsburg.
    • Guided Study Visit of Colonial Willamsburg
    • Jamestown Settlement
    • Jamestown Island
    • Yorktown Museum of the American Revolution
    • Yorktown Surrender Field


    Longer programs could include:

    • Busch Gardens
    • St. Johns Church Richmond Virginia
  • Climate

    Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown's climates are very temperate.  Winter is mild and short.  Spring and fall linger with bursts of color in blossoms and changing leaves.  Summer is hot and usually humid.
    Spring temperatures are usually very pleasant with nice breezes and sun - average temperatures are in the 60's.  Rain is always possible. Travelers in February and March should have layers of clothing as it can be cool with the average temperature being in the 40's.
  • Geography

    Williamsburg is located in the middle of The Virginia Peninsula, one of three mainland peninsulas extending from the Virginia mainland. The Peninsula is between the York and the James Rivers. It is located in the Atlantic Coastal Plain. This area of lowlands stretches about 100 miles inland and is covered with salt marshes and swamps. It’s often called the Tidewater because of the flow of water up and down the coastal inlets and bays as the tide moves in and out. Along the James River is found Jamestown and along the York River is found Yorktown.

  • Essentials

    • Visting candlelight buildings on a Colonial Williamsburg evening Lanthorn Tour with a costumed guide.
    • Exploring the recreated fort, Powhatan village and replica ships at Jamestown Settlement.
    • Walking along Surrender Road at Surrender Field on the Yorktown battlefield.
  • Get Prepared

    • Williamsburg: The Story of a Patriot, 1957, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
    • Liberty! - The American Revolution,  1998, PBS Home Video.
    Forbes, Esther.  Johnny Tremain,  Yearling, 1944, reissue edition (1987)
    • Colonial fife and drum music. 
    • Listen to and read about "The World Turned Upside Down."  This song was played by the British army when they surrendered to the Americans at Yorktown.
  • Senses

    • There is a bakeshop just off of Duke of Gloucester Street behind Raleigh Tavern, the Raleigh Tavern Bake Shop, that sells baked goods.  The Shrewsbury cakes are very good as is the gingerbread.
    • If you have time, eat lunch at one of the Colonial Williamsburg Taverns. They are located along the Duke of Gloucester Street.  They tend to be busy in the spring, so it may be challenging to get in.
    • A lot of water.
    • Also the colonial-style bottled root beer and apple cider (found in shops along Duke of Gloucester Street or at vendors in the Market Square) is a tasty drink.

  • In A Word:

    • Jamestown - Beginning.
    • Colonial Williamsburg - Proper.
    • Yorktown - Victory!
  • Surprises

    • Eighty-eight of the buildings in Colonial Williamsburg are original to the Revolutionary period (1770's).

    • Martha Washington's first husband, Daniel Parke Custis, is buried in the churchyard of Williamsburg’s Bruton Parish Church.

    • Blackbeard's pirates were locked in the Williamsburg gaol (jail) and after their trials, thirteen of them were hanged to death.



  • Included Cities or Destinations

    Colonial Williamsburg



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