After receiving what felt like great news yesterday (Olivia is holding her own- is more resilient than what they expected despite continuing heart failure) Jeni and Jason were referred to the Midwest Fetal Care Center in Minnesota.
Jeni was expedited into an appointment today and she and Jason sat down with their specialists to learn Olivia is very, very sick and her heart condition is extremely rare, they said one in a million. She’s too small for interventions to help at this point and even so, the surgeon did not think she would likely be a good candidate for a transplant with how sick she is. Further complications were found that are not just bad for baby but potentially for Jeni. They don’t think Olivia will make it to birth, they think it could be days or weeks. They seemed fairly concerned for Jeni’s health as well— fearing that she could develop preeclampsia or something called mirror syndrome where her body could mirror Olivia’s symptoms of heart failure. While Jeni and Jason were grateful to have some more answers- we are continuing down a very painful road. I don’t quite know how to pray from here- pleading for my sister’s health has joined the list. For her husband. For their kids who are in a home that is under impossible pressure.

I'm sorry and I'm praying.
Praying for you all, that God will send his peace and comfort. Praying for protection over your sister and wisdom for the doctors as they fight for Olivia Mae’s life.
O Kristi! I am so sorry for this hard road and yet praying believing God isn’t done with this story ! Yes and amen to what everyone has already said! We serve a big God praying for all the miracles and all the goodness! Love to you, your sister, and your entire family!!
So hard. Praying for all.
Will continue to pray Kristi. Hugs and love and grace for this time for you and your family❤️
Kristi, as everyone has already stated, my heart aches for all of you. I will continue to pray you all feel the mighty and close presence of Jesus during this painful journey. Praying for your sister’s health as well. ❤️
Kristi, know that we are all praying for a miracle. We love you!
My heart also aches for each of you and will continue praying for a miraculous healing and I’m praying that God will give answers and peace, that you will feel God’s arms of love, goodness, and sovereignty surrounding you and holding you close. We love you and hurt with you! Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to pray with you!
I echo Jay’s comment. Prayers for your precious sister & her family. Prayers for you as you walk with them.
Kristi. My heart aches for your family. I continue to keep you all in my prayers. I cannot imagine how difficult it has to be. Prayers and thoughts daily for all of you.