The ACTS Marketing Team would like to create a short promotional video to give to persons interested in our EPL position.
The focus of the video is YOU.
We would like you to film a short clip highlighting the top three things you love about being an ACTS EPL - what you love, what brings you back.
Remember to keep it short. We are all good at talking. This will be the challenge!
Anyway, film yourself. Upload the clip(s) in our shared EPL Gallery - there is a light blue box titled "EPL PROMO VIDEO CLIPS" That's the place. Thanks for helping!
And if you know anyone interested in being an EPL - send them my way!!! - JAY
I am still looking for a few more EPL snippet videos (see original message) to be used for EPL recruitment. Send them my way! Thanks.
The question was asked, "When is the deadline for submitting the EPL snippet?" I would say if you can have them submitted by Monday, September, 26
- that would be great!
đ NOTE. This is not required. It is optional.