We are working to beef up our social media presence on FB and Instagram. Thanks to all of you who have already sent in photos and videos.
In case you need to clean out pictures and videos in your phone from the 2022 season and you think that ACTS could benefit from some of them / or you are planning for what you are going to do in the coming 2023 season - here are some ideas of what we are looking for:
Short Form Video using your phone
Kids talking about what they liked - what they enjoyed at a site. Something interesting to them.
Short videos of them walking through monuments
Short videos of them walking with recognizable buildings, or memorials in the background.
Faces of people (No backs of heads)
Smiling and happy
Singing on the bus
People eating dinner - food - people like food pictures. Shows the type of food the group gets. Make sure it looks appetizing! 🙂
Tavern dinners - historical site / costumed performers
Kids interacting with history - clapping/participating
Kids interacting
They are doing something
Listening to a speaker
Talking to a Veteran
Walking through World War II and other monuments
Reading something
Shots of group photos - School, Organization - try not to have school name prominent. Try to protect clients.
Funny pictures of kids having fun
Parents with their kid
Enjoying a monument, speaker, program
Goofy Bus Shots
Kids in historical costumes (ex. trying on armor at Jamestown or dressing up in WBG)
Great sunsets, sunrises - night time monuments...
(Having a visible badge is great for marketing purposes! Thanks for all you EPLS do for ACTS and thanks for all the great pictures and videos. Keep them coming!! Photos can be uploaded to the following link... https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/1mi0ss31oppa60h6v4d75/h?dl=0&rlkey=p0rly4pvdsf7hqlfaghdi9na3
If you have any problems, please let Jay know! THANKS!!
None of my groups smile. Did you get the video I sent?