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ACTS Promotional Materials - Student Programs

Materials provided to help promote your program.
  • You will find a Sway (online) presentation titled "Booking & Organizing an ACTS® Education Program" that will walk you through the ACTS process. It also talks about setting up the Education Program Information Meeting.
    This is for your viewing - not for the meeting.


  • We also have provided a PowerPoint presentation that you can present at your Education Program Information Meeting.

  • We have also included Promotional Videos for you to select from. These can be shown at your Information Meeting. Some of them could be used for presentations to administration and boards involved in approving the Education Program.

  • Finally there are some printable small posters for you to use in promoting trip meetings or trip related dates, etc.
    You will also be receiving a full color larger poster in the mail to utilize for promotions.

Booking & Organizing an ACTS Education Program

  • Below is the ACTS Sway Presentation  "Booking & Organizing an ACTS® Education Program"

  • This is an online presentation that will walk you through the early stages of the ACTS Education Program processes.

    • You can full screen view this for easier reading.
      To use this Sway - simply scroll inside of it.

    • To Print the Sway Document: 
      Go to the "•••" menu at the top right of the sway and select "open in a new tab."  While you are in the Sway web app (when you open a Sway in your browser)  go to the "•••" menu at the top right of the screen and choose “Print”.

Education Program Information Meeting PowerPoint

  • Below is the Education Program Information Meeting PowerPoint.
    This PowerPoint contains numerous slides of locations that you may not be doing on your program. You will either want to skip these slides or delete them from the presentation.

  • You can download the presentation and customize it to your meeting. In the PRINTABLES section below you can find printable agendas for both the Education Program Information Meeting and also the Final Parent-Student Meeting.


Promotional Videos

  • You can either visit our Vimeo channel by clicking on the image to the right and access the videos there...

  • or click on the links below to go directly to the video you wish.  From there you can either play the video or download it to playlater.


Most Recent

Parent Interviews.png

ACTS Parent Testimonial Video (2023)

A Parent Testimonial Video that you can include at your promotional meeting.

2:34 minute

Teacher Interviews.png

ACTS Organizer Testimonial Video (2023)

Here several Organizers share their experiences with ACTS. This is designed for Organizers to watch.

2:19 minutes

Additional Promo Videos

ACTS Promotional Video

This is the basic ACTS Promotional Video to show at your promotional meeting.

1:04 minutes


ACTS Student Testimonial



This is a  Student Testimonial Video that you can also show at your program promotional



1:29 minutes


ACTS Parent Testimonial Video

A Parent Testimonial Video that you can include at your promotional meeting.

1:00 minute


ACTS Organizer Testimonial Video

Here several Organizers share their experiences with ACTS. This is designed for Organizers to watch.

2:13 minutes


ACTS Educator Testimonial Video

This educators talks about her experience with ACTS. This is designed for Organizers to watch.

1:18 minutes




Education Program
Informational Meeting
Printable Agenda

Final Parent-Student Meeting
Printable Agenda

Basic ACTS Printable Promotional Posters

Customize the poster:

  • Choose a poster from the selection above.

  • Save poster from website by clicking on the image or link.   Right click on PDF and "save as" to your desired location.

  • Open Adobe Reader

  • From Adobe Reader, open the saved document

  • Click on 'Fill & Sign'

  • Save / Print

You can also just print out the poster and hand-write your meeting information on it if you choose.

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